A Quick Guide to Changing Internet Providers

A Quick Guide to Changing Internet Providers


As the demand for faster and more reliable internet grows, so do the costs associated with it. If you’ve noticed your internet bills skyrocketing and the service not meeting your expectations, it might be time to consider changing your internet provider. In this 8-step guide, we will walk you through switching providers, helping you find a better and more affordable plan without compromising on quality.


1. Evaluate Your Current Plan

Before diving into the process of changing internet providers, take a close look at your current plan. Note down your current internet speed, monthly data allowance, and any additional services included in your package. Consider whether you are satisfied with your current provider’s customer service and if there have been any recurring issues with the connection.


2. Research Different Providers and Plans

Australia has a variety of internet service providers offering different plans tailored to various needs. Research the available providers in your area and compare their plans. Look for factors such as internet speed, data allowance, contract terms, and any additional perks or discounts. Don’t limit yourself to just popular providers; make sure to also check boutique providers in your area.


3. Check Availability in Your Area

Some providers may not offer services in all areas, so it’s essential to check the availability of your chosen provider in your location. Use online tools provided by the ISPs or consult their customer service to confirm that the desired internet plan is available at your address.


4. Compare Pricing and Promotions

Once you have identified a few potential providers, compare the pricing of their plans. Take note of any promotions, discounts, or bundles they may offer for new customers. Keep in mind that promotional prices might be valid for a limited time, and it’s crucial to consider the long-term costs.


5. Check Hardware Compatibility

Before finalising your decision, ensure that your existing hardware is compatible with the new internet plan. Check if your modem and router can support the speed of the plan you’re considering. For instance, if you’re opting for a gigabit plan, your router must be capable of reaching gigabit speeds. If your current hardware is not up to par, you may need to invest in new equipment or check if the new provider offers a modem/router as part of the package.


6. Choose Your New Plan

Based on your research and hardware compatibility, select the new internet plan that best suits your needs and budget. Pay attention to contract terms, monthly fees, and any additional costs such as installation or equipment fees.


7. Schedule Installation and Cancellation

Once you’ve chosen a new plan, schedule the installation with your new provider. To ensure a smooth transition, make sure that there is minimal downtime. The key is to wait until your new service is online before cancelling your old one. Once your new service is up and running, contact your current provider to cancel your existing service. Be aware of any contract termination fees and return any equipment they may have provided.


8. Set Up Your New Connection

After the installation is complete, set up your new internet connection. Test the speed and reliability to ensure it meets your expectations. Contact your new provider’s customer service for assistance if you encounter any issues.


Changing internet providers may seem like a daunting task, but with careful research and planning, you can find a better and more affordable plan that suits your needs. If you want to change your provider make sure to check the Move Up Internet plans and availability here
