2024 Internet Insights: Revealing Trends in Australia’s Digital Journey

2024 Internet Insights: Revealing Trends in Australia’s Digital Journey

Understanding the trends of internet usage is essential to anticipate the future in the constantly evolving digital era. By analysing the data of the past, we aim to uncover the patterns that will shape the internet connectivity landscape in 2024. Let’s now explore the predictions based on the internet history of Australia. 

Smart Device Adoption

According to surveys from Statista, by 2022, approximately 80% of Australians were equipped with smart devices. The data reveals a society increasingly reliant on internet-connected gadgets, using them primarily for entertainment purposes.

Smart lighting and wearables were among the popular choices, with 21% of Australians embracing each. Moreover, 26% incorporated home technologies like smart microwaves and robot cleaners into their daily lives. 

Time Spent Online

We Are Social reported that in February 2022, Australians spent an average of 6 hours and 13 minutes on the internet daily. Interestingly, the report highlighted a 6.7% increase in time spent in front of traditional television, with the average Australian dedicating 3 hours and 44 minutes to this medium.

Juggling Gadgets

ACMA’s data from June 2022 sheds light on the multitude of devices Australians use to access the internet. While 35% of Australians used at least five gadgets, the overall number of homes with five or more internet-connected devices dropped from 46% in 2020 to 41% in 2022. The breakdown showed that 22% of households used four devices, 21% used three, 15% used two, and 7% relied on just one device for internet access.

Internet Dependency

Statista’s findings revealed that over 55% of Australians between the ages of 16 to 64 felt they could not function normally without constant internet access. Notably, 52% valued a reliable mobile internet connection, while 23% expressed a desire for access to 5G. This underscores the integral role the internet plays in the lives of Australians, becoming a necessity rather than a luxury.

From NBN to Diverse Networks

ACMA’s data indicated that 73% of households in Australia were connected to the internet. Non-NBN connections included over 8% using wireless broadband, 3% relying on ADSL, 3% using mobile broadband, and 1% using a cable modem at home. By June 2022, only 9% of homes in Australia lacked internet connectivity, reflecting the widespread access to digital resources.

The Cost of Connectivity

Canstar Blue reported that in 2022, the average monthly cost of internet in Australia was $71. Families paid approximately $852 annually for their broadband plans. Interestingly, Internet users in Queensland paid $72 per month, $2 more than the national average.

Predicting the Internet Landscape in 2024

As we look ahead to 2024, five trends are likely to shape the internet landscape in Australia:

  1. 5G Revolution: The rollout and expansion of 5G networks will provide faster and more reliable connectivity, impacting both urban and regional areas in Queensland.
  2. IoT Integration: The adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices will continue to grow, enhancing smart homes and industries in Australia.
  3. Enhanced Customer Experience: Telcos are expected to focus on improving customer experience through personalised services and innovative offerings.
  4. Regulatory Changes: Ongoing regulatory developments may influence market competition, ensuring a fair and competitive digital environment.
  5. Affordable Connectivity: The focus on providing cost-effective internet solutions will likely persist, ensuring that Australians can stay connected without straining their budgets.

Australia is riding the wave of digital transformation, with a significant portion of the population deeply embedded in the online world. As we venture into 2024, the trends suggest an even more connected and digitally dependent society. The challenge for policymakers and service providers is to ensure that this connectivity remains inclusive, affordable, and technologically advanced, leaving no one behind in the digital revolution.

