Do you need to settle for your building’s utilities?

Do you need to settle for your building’s utilities?

Have you ever been forced to use your building’s internet provider? Every tenant has the right to choose the utility service for their residence. Read this blog to know what to do.

Moving to a new building can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, and it can be tempting to go with the easy option of using the services already registered in the building. However, doing so without comparing it to other available options can make you end up paying more or getting less than you would if you had taken the time to shop around and compare different providers. 

As an internet provider, we at Move Up Internet understand that new residents often feel pressure to go with the service provider recommended by their building manager. However, body corporates don’t need to settle for the services the building manager sells. In fact, having different competitors in a building can be a good thing because it encourages providers to work hard to supply the best service to occupants. 

The relationship between building managers and service providers can be complex. Often, building managers receive commissions for selling certain providers to their residents. While this practice is not necessarily illegal, it can create a conflict of interest and make residents stuck with subpar services. 

In Australia, occupants of a building have the right to choose their own service providers, including internet providers. Building managers cannot pressure or coerce body corporates into using a particular provider. For example, if a building manager receives commissions for recommending a specific provider, they should disclose this information to the corporate body. It’s essential to research and consider factors such as price, speed and installation process and timeline. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and negotiate with providers to get the best deal.

As a licensed carrier, Move Up Internet has the right to supply internet services to your building under strict criteria, and we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality and super-fast internet service. Internet is essential, and we strive to provide the best possible connection and customer service. We encourage body corporates to consider all their options regarding internet service, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have to assist you with that.
