A Message From Our Founder Daniel Filmer

A Message From Our Founder Daniel Filmer

Wow, what a year for Move Up Internet!

Where to begin? We want to thank you for choosing Move Up and supporting our dream of offering faster internet for Queenslanders. It hasn’t even been a full year and yet the team at Move Up have accomplished more than I can even really comprehend. Not only have the tech dream team gone about building a fantastic robust high-speed network utilising the latest technology and fibre optic infrastructure in core Points of Presence (PoPs), but they have delivered services to over 20+ buildings and connected hundreds of happy customers at the same time.

While our tech team were hard at work, our marketing team were unleashing their creative genius to not only build brand awareness around what Move Up has set out to achieve but also educate our customers and Bodies Corporate alike on the benefits our services bring to their Multi Dwelling Units (MDU). This was by no means a small task to start a business, create a brand and then go about building the strategy, campaigns and digital assets to communicate your message to your target customers. But as always, the Move Up team have done an amazing job in communicating our vision to customers that have responded with overwhelming positivity.

On the topic of vision, Move Up’s plans are anything but small! Our vision in short is to provide people who live in Multi-Dwelling Units in South East Queensland with the type of internet speeds that people in countries like Chile, the US, Singapore and Japan experience daily, at a price to match. By specializing in one segment of the market which is existing (Brownfield) MDUs, Move Up is able to bring a customer experience unlike no other. Our focus is to create a great customer experience in every building we light up and every unit we connect. As we move into 2023, Move Up will continue to accelerate our plans for expanding our network to reach from Noosa to Tweed Heads and lighting up every MDU that wants the fastest internet at the best price. As Bodies Corporate start to see Move Up as a major benefit to their buildings by offering a highly competitive service in comparison to that of most of the industry, we are excited about delivering on our target of reaching a minimum of 350 MDU over the next 36 months.

All of what the team at Move Up has achieved in 2022 and I have only skimmed the surface, but none of it would have been possible without the backing of some great investors that grab hold of our vision and backed us every step of the way. 

But most importantly, we’re thankful to you that chose Move Up as their internet provider when we’re fully aware there are many other companies to choose from. Your support and amazing feedback are what keep us going and thriving to be better every day. It is all these ingredients made up of a passionate team focused on leading an industry with the backing of brilliant industry leaders that will propel Move Up to achieve our extremely ambitious goals for 2023 and beyond.
